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Sell Online Pro My Orders is Jamaica and the Caribbean One-Stop shop online marketplace. We have a wide selection of products and services available to consumers in the Caribbean and overseas. Customers can purchase our products and services with a debit or credit card and have their products and services delivered to their home or office. Customers can also order products and services from their favorite retailers and have them delivered or pick-up and pay in-store. We offer one and two-day delivery depend on your area. We also allow customers to purchase some items overseas on our platform and have them delivered.

CITS Jamaica Limited

CITS Jamaica Limited Caribbean Information Technology Solutions, CITS or Cits Jamaica Limited is Multi-Technology Services and Information Systems company that provides IT services and solutions for small and medium-sized companies. Cits provides an easier way for a user to interact with Information Technology. With the increasing number of new technologies and advancements, Cits is the only company that will keep you up-to-date with the latest technologies and progress in this ever-changing IT world. We provide Technology services and Information Systems for businesses and organizations of all types and sizes such as Businesses, Education, Government, Retail, Home, Healthcare, etc. Cits offers services in almost every aspect of technology.

The Team

Damion Dobney

Web Application Developer/Designer, Database Designer/Developer, .Net Architecture

Expert in web application Development and database design mainly in the Microsoft environment. Completed an Associate Degree at Excelsior Community College then transfer to Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA and completed B.S. Degree in Information System with a minor in Business. Hold positions on various healthcare companies in the US such as Lead .Net Application Developer, Database Design, Information System Consultant and Report Data Analyst. Completed some MBA classes at Wilmington University In Wilmington, Delaware USA


Latoya Perry

International Marketing and Brand SEO Engineer

Online marketing specialist and SEO engineer. Completed a B.S. Degree in Economics from Millersville University in Pennsylvania, USA


Stanley Hall

Web Systems & Security Administrator

Holds a B.S. Degree from Drexel University in Information Technology. Responsible for implementing, maintaining and securing our server and network infrastructure.


Sharna-Kay Dobney

International Content and Marketing

Represent and CITS Limited on an international level with sourcing international content and marketing. Holds B.S. Degree in Chemical Engineer and Masters in engineering management from Kettering University in Michigan, USA
